8:45am - 4:15pm, April 26, 2024

Conference Registration Is Open Now!
*If you register as a group for your organization or institution, please contact us at [email protected] for further assistance.

Call for Proposals - Now closed
TESL Sask/Sask TEAL 2024 Annual Conference: Teaching with Vision
April 26, 2024
Start Application
TESL Sask and Sask TEAL are pleased to announce that our 2024 online annual conference "Teaching with Vision" will be held on April 26, 2024.
Our annual conference attracts all the stakeholders working in various areas of the TESL field - Adult ESL, K-12 EAL, teachers, teacher trainers, education and TESL students, administrators, settlement agencies, government agencies, funders, and volunteers).
The theme, Teaching with Vision will invite our presenters to share strategies, approaches, experiences, and resources, with fellow educators to enhance the learning experience in their classrooms.
We are currently seeking presentation proposals for the following:
● Research presentations (45 minutes). This type of presentation should include a clearly indicated researched topic, very brief literature review, an overview of the research methodology and findings, and a discussion of the implications for theory and/or practice.
● Workshops (45 minutes). This type of presentation shows, as well as describes, a technique for teaching, testing, or other education-related matters. This is a hands-on professional development session that gives attendees an opportunity to learn to do something new, or revisit a tried and true strategy. If more time is required, presenters may request a double block of time (90 minutes).
Submissions will be accepted until March 31, 2024. If you have any questions, please contact the Conference Planning Committee at [email protected]. The conference planning committee looks forward to your submissions!
Conference Committee
Co-Chairs: Ginny McColl - TESL SK, Gisele Carlson - SK TEAL