EAP Research: Call for Participants

December 18, 2019
EAP Across-Canada Survey: Invitation to Participate
Thank you to those of you who have already responded to our invitation to participate in the EAP across-Canada survey. If you have not had time yet to respond, please consider responding today. Our knowledge of the EAP profession will be most accurate with the widest possible participation. Thank you!
EAP Across Canada Survey: Participate to win one of ten $50 gift cards!
Dear colleague:
My name is James Corcoran and I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics at York University. On behalf of myself and my colleague, Julia Williams, Director of English Language Studies at Renison University College, University of Waterloo, I write to you with a request to participate in our research project, English for Academic Purposes: Charting the Canadian Post-Secondary Landscape, by completing a quick 20-minute online survey. If you are involved in working to support post-secondary students’ academic English — a field widely known as English for academic purposes (EAP) — at a Canadian university or college, then this survey is for you! Please read through this short overview of our research project and find a link to the survey at the end of the message.

Given the lack of research into EAP support in Canada, this study will fill a gap in the EAP literature, potentially contributing to a better understanding of English language support offered across Canadian universities and colleges, including the perceptions of professional satisfaction and academic legitimacy of those working in this field. It is hoped that sharing these research findings could lead to greater understanding and recognition of the importance of English language support at our post-secondary institutions. Topics covered on the survey include the academic and professional background of EAP professionals; the structure of EAP programs; and the professional satisfaction of EAP practitioners.

If you agree to participate in this study, you may rest assured that participants’ privacy will be protected at all times. Be assured that any reference made to any programs, instructors, administrators, etc. will be done using pseudonyms in order to protect participant anonymity in any subsequent presentations or publications. All survey data will only be available to the researchers via our password-protected Qualtrics account.
We will provide you with a summary of the research findings once the study is completed at https://uwaterloo.ca/renison/english-language-studies. In appreciation of the time you have given to this study, you can enter your name (email contact information) into a draw for one of ten $50 gift cards. Information collected to draw for the prizes will not be linked to the study data in any way. Of note, participants may withdraw participation from this study at any time, with no adverse consequences, by emailing the researchers.

This study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance by York University (#2019361) and University of Waterloo (#40468). If you have ethical questions or concerns, please contact the York University Office of Research Ethics at 416-736-5914 or ore@yorku.ca. Further, feel free to contact us at corcora2@yorku.ca or Julia.williams@uwaterloo.ca with any questions or concerns you may have about this study.
Please click on the link below to participate in the online survey.

James and Julia (researchers)

December 25, 2019 | Communications Chair

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