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Government of Saskatchewan
SaskCulture E-Update
March 17, 2021
Week of Solidarity with the Peoples Struggling Against Racism and Racial Discrimination (Mar. 21 - 28)
Zero Discrimination Day (Mar. 1) International Francophonie Day (Mar. 20) World Poetry Day (Mar. 21)
International Women's Day (Mar. 8) International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (Mar. 21)
Share Métis Culture with a MCDF Grant SaskCulture's Métis Cultural Development Fund (MCDF) is accepting applications for the Spring deadline. The MCDF program supports community-based cultural activities and initiatives that preserve, strengthen and transmit Métis culture and tradition. Deadline for application is April 30, 2021.
Join SaskCulture's Board of Directors SaskCulture will have four director positions for election at this year's Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be hosted on Friday, June 18, 2021 (more details to follow). Nominations are being accepted for the following positions: Demonstrated knowledge of cultural industries Demonstrated knowledge of heritage Métis ancestry and a demonstrated knowledge of Métis culture Membership at large
Each position is for a two-year term on the board. Nominations packages and more information about board responsibilities can be found on the SaskCulture website. Nomination deadline is May 1, 2021. Any applications received after this date will be treated as nominations from the floor of the AGM.
Celebrate Your Cultural Volunteers SaskCulture wants to highlight cultural volunteers – particularly those who have kept things going over the past year – as part of this year’s Volunteer Week promotion. Volunteers continue to be the backbone of many organizations, especially as we continue to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the perfect opportunity to recognize those dedicated individuals who continue to help build a culturally vibrant Saskatchewan. All volunteers will be included in a Volunteer Week video promoted during Volunteer Week 2021 and receive a certificate of recognition. To highlight volunteers, please complete the submission form by April 2, 2021.
Workers in Live Arts and Music Sector Gain New Supports The Support for Workers in Live Arts and Music Sectors Fund is now accepting applications through the Department of Canadian Heritage. Applications will be accepted continuously for projects that are planned between April 1, 2021 and March 31, 2022. Funding will be on a first-come, first-served basis and applications will be accepted until the funds are disbursed. Although there is no set deadline, eligible organizations are encouraged to apply before October 15, 2021 to provide sufficient time for assessment of application.
#MarchOutRacism With These Virtual Events March marks a month dedicated to identifying, recognizing, and rejecting racism throughout the world. Many events are being held throughout the month to help people better understand what racism is, its impacts, and how we can better act to reject and address it moving forward.
COVID-19 Funding Remains Stable Through June The Government of Canada will extend the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS), Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS), and Lockdown Support under current rate structures until June 5, 2021.
Still Time to Apply for a Community Grant from the CIF The Community Initiatives Fund (CIF) Community Grant Program is still accepting applications until April 1, 2021. Eligible organizations are encouraged to submit an application under the three funding themes of: the health growth and development of children and youth, individual and community wellbeing, and nonprofit and community leadership.
Resource Covers COVID-19 Impact on Charitable Sector Imagine Canada continues to provide resources to highlight the impact COVID-19 has had on Canada's charitable and non-profit sector.
Non-Profit Sector Leaders Join New Federal Women's Task Force As part of the 2020 September Throne Speech, the Government of Canada announced the creation of an action plan for Women in the Economy to help more women get back into the workforce and provide leadership in response to the pandemic and post-pandemic recovery. Maya Roy, CEO of YWCA, and Jocelyn Formsma, Executive Director of the National Association of Friendship Centres, were among those named to this task force.
A Culture of Exploitation: “Reconciliation” and the Institutions of Canadian Art
On Wednesday, March 3, 2021, SaskCulture hosted an online presentation with Lindsay Nixon, a Cree-Métis-Saulteaux academic, researcher, curator and author originally from Saskatchewan; the recording of this event appears below.
Nixon shared the findings from their special report A Culture of Exploitation: "Reconciliation" and the Institutions of Canadian Art. The report drew upon the history of the relationship between Indigenous people in the arts, as well as the results from anonymous interviews conducted with Indigenous cultural workers from across Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Click Here to Read the Full Article

Intercultural Competence and Communication When: Thursday, March 18, 2021 - 11:00am - 12:00pm CST Where: Online Who: Kristin Enns-Kavanagh Free for SPRA members, registration is required. Click here to register.
Everything You Wanted to Know About Diversity Committees When: Friday, March 19, 2021 - 9:00am - 11:40am EST Where: Online Who: Diversity at Work $175, plus taxes, per registration. Click here to register.
Intersectional Allyship for Racial Justice: A Workshop for White Allies When: Session 1 - Tuesday, March 23, 2021 - 1:00pm - 4:00pm EST Session 2 - Wednesday, March 24, 2021 - 1:00pm - 4:00pm EST Where: Online Who: Whitney Parnell $150 fee, registration is required. Click here to register.
Creative Community Recovery When: Wednesday, March 31, 2021 - 2:00pm EST Where: Online Who: Deb Borsos and Carol Palladino, Culture Days Free to attend, but registration is required. Click here to register.
Intersectional Allyship for Racial Justice: A Workshop for White Allies When: Session 1 - Tuesday, April 6, 2021 - 1:00pm - 4:00pm EST Session 2 - Wednesday, April 7, 2021 - 1:00pm - 4:00pm EST Where: Online Who: Whitney Parnell $150 fee, registration is required. Click here to register.

SaskCulture Grants
Multicultural Initiatives Fund - Project Spring Deadline March 31, 2021
Aboriginal Arts and Cultural Leadership Grant Deadline April 15, 2021
Métis Cultural Development Fund Deadline April 30, 2021

 Other Grants
Community Grant Program Deadline April 1, 2021
Support for Workers in Live Arts and Music Sectors Fund Deadline October 15, 2021
2021 Get COVID-Creative Fund Deadline Two Weeks Prior to Proposed Project
Canada Cultural Spaces Fund Deadline On-Going
CSMARI Events Deadline On-Going; 26 week service standard

