ISSN 2369-4939 Volume 6 Issue 2 February 1, 2020

Letter from the President
Executive Director's Report
Program News

 Letter from the President Greetings from Toronto! In the last month, we have had both an SLA executive meeting and a board meeting. A lot of the discussion was focussed on association business, although one of the exciting pieces of business is the creation of the Nominating committee. Please consider putting your name forward for a board position. If you are interested in learning more about what happens at the board meetings, please consider coming to the next board meeting on March 2, 2020 in Regina.

 Photo Credit: Andrew Marshall
Dorothea Warren and I just attended the January 2020 Partnership meeting in Toronto on January 28. It is always an engaging and invigorating time to connect with colleagues from around the country. This time, we were excited to see the newish Yukon Library Association at the table. The round table report this time focussed on membership numbers and types and on what library associations were doing in terms of diversity, equity and inclusion. This was an exciting discussion and there are many areas for us to consider. Read more.
Thank You to Our Donors
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for recent donations made to the Saskatchewan Library Association. Thank you to the Order of the Eastern Star, Grand Chapter of Saskatchewan for their substantial financial contribution to the Saskatchewan Library Association. Their donation will help support specific programs for libraries and communities across the province. We truly appreciate the Order of the Eastern Star's commitment to the library community. We would also like to thank individual member Marilyn Jenkins for contributing to the Maureen Woods Education Bursary. Her donation will help promote the continued growth of professional librarianship in Saskatchewan. Marilyn challenges all her former colleagues to do the same.
If you would like to make a donation to SLA, please click here.
 SLA Board Nominations for 2020-21 A great opportunity to contribute to your profession! As a board member, you have an opportunity to lead and influence the direction of the Association. You will become familiar with issues affecting libraries of all types. As an organization, we work collectively to improve and support libraries through advocacy, communication, stakeholder engagement, professional development and networking. You will gain experience that contributes to your professional portfolio and at a personal level, you get to make new friends and contacts.
There is a time commitment; SLA typically holds 6 - 7 meetings a year (June Board changeover, August retreat, October, November, January, March, April/May), some of which are through teleconference. Board members chair and/or participate on the Association's committees including: Continuing Education, Advocacy and Development, Membership, Publications, Program. The work accomplished by these committees benefits the Saskatchewan library community. This year, there are four positions available.
Read more.
 Last Chance to Apply for Continuing Education Grants
Have a great idea for a workshop for library staff? Interested in attending a conference, workshop, or other professional development opportunity? SLA offers Continuing Education (CE) grants to provide and support relevant educational opportunities for its members. Applications for CE grants category one, two and three are now being accepted.
Details are available on the SLA website.
Please submit applications to [email protected] or mail to Dorothea Warren at 10-2010 7th Ave, Regina SK S4R 1C2 by February 15, 2020.
 SLA Frances Morrison Award
The SLA Frances Morrison Award is an award of merit for outstanding service to libraries given in the name of one of Saskatchewan's exceptional librarians. This award is open to all, individuals or institutions or groups, and not restricted to professional librarians or SLA members. It is an honour to have one's work recognized by this award. Please think about who you could recognize and consider making a nomination no later than March 1, 2020. More information is available on the SLA website.

Mary Donaldson Award of Merit

 Photo courtesy Saskatchewan Archives Board. #55-446-01
Applications are invited for the 2020 Mary Donaldson Award. The Mary Donaldson Award of Merit was established in 1977 to provide a bursary to a full-time or part-time Saskatchewan student enrolled in a library and information technician program. The award will be presented during the annual Saskatchewan Library Association Conference in May. Please note the deadline for applications is March 31, 2020.
Click here to learn more.

Nominations for Honourary Life Membership
An Honourary Life Membership is conferred upon a current SLA member who has made a substantial and recognizable long-standing contribution to SLA and/or library service in Saskatchewan. As a member of SLA for life, the recipient has full voting privileges, does not pay annual dues, receives all Association publications, and may serve on committees. As well, this membership entitles the recipient to discounts at all SLA functions and workshops.
If you would like to nominate an SLA member for an Honourary Life Membership, please read the guidelines and complete the application form by March 1, 2020.
More information is available on the SLA website.

Freedom to Read Week Freedom to Read Week 2020 will be February 23-29. For Libraries wishing to mount a display of banned or challenged books for FTRW, suggested titles can be found on this brochure.
FTWR posters are on their way to libraries!
Click here for more information about Freedom to Read Week.

Are you ready for One Book, One Province, Saskatchewan? All Saskatchewan residents are encouraged to read and discuss the same book during the month of March, and this year's title is A Geography of Blood: Unearthing Memory from a Prairie Landscape. Visit www.onebooksk.ca for tools to help you plan your library's One Book, One Province event. Resources available include an editable poster that you can download, customize, and use to promote your library's event, a schedule of author readings that will be held throughout the province during the month of March, a sample chapter from A Geography of Blood, suggestions for related further reading and/or book displays, and teaching resources with thought-provoking questions about the book that could be adapted for your book club. Get ready to read, Saskatchewan!

The Saskatchewan Libraries Conference will be on May 7 and 8 at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel and Conference Centre in Regina.
The prospectus for Exhibitors, Sponsors and Advertisers is available here.
SLA is honored to have Tomson Highway be the keynote speaker at the Saskatchewan Libraries Conference 2020. He is a full-blood Cree and a registered member of the Barren Lands First Nation, which is located in northern Manitoba, where it meets Saskatchewan and Nunavut. Mr. Highway is an award-winning playwright, novelist, and children's author. More information is available here.
We are also very pleased to announce that Nora Young will be the featured speaker of the 2020 Mary Donaldson Memorial Lecture. She was the founding host of the CBC Radio show Definitely not the Opera and hosts Spark on CBC Radio One. Ms. Young is a broadcaster and writer with an interest about how technology, innovation and design affect our lives. The lecture will be held at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel in Regina at 7:30 pm on May 7, 2020. The event is free and open to the public. More information about the Mary Donaldson Memorial Lecture Series is available on the SLA website.
Conference registration will open soon. Stay tuned for more updates! Visit our website for more information.

 The TD Summer Reading Club staff website is live with updated content for 2020. The Resources section has been updated with this year's recommended reads, activities, images, promotional templates and program forms. The Run the Program section is also live with information to help you start planning your summer. Over the next few months, these sections will continue to be updated to provide additional information and resources.
Read more.
The TD Summer Reading Club is pleased to announce their top 10 recommended reads for the 2020 TD Summer Reading Club!The 10 books are written by Canadian authors and fit with the "Game On!" theme. These books - along with 10 French titles - will be featured in the printed brochure for parents.
Read more.

 Save the date! The 2020 Culture Days weekend will be September 25, 26 and 27. The theme for this year is Unexpected Intersections. Visit their website for more information.
 Paddy O'Rourke Poetry Scholarship
The Paddy O'Rourke Poetry Scholarship will be awarded to a Saskatchewan student currently attending Grade 12 (or who graduated from a Saskatchewan high school in the past 24 months). The Scholarship amount is $1,000, but perhaps more important than the financial benefit is the encouragement the award gives to students with outstanding literary talent. Please note that there are no entry fees, and this scholarship is endorsed by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education. For more information, please visit www.orourkepoetryscholarship.ca.
Click here to view and print the poster.

Canadian School Libraries Awards 2020
Canadian School Libraries (CSL) is very pleased to announce its award recipients for 2020. The awards were presented on January 31, 2020 at the opening dinner for the Treasure Mountain Canada Research Symposium and Think Tank (TMC6 2020), in Toronto, Ontario.
Read more.

Archives Week - February 2 to 8, 2020
2020 marks the 15th consecutive year that the Saskatchewan Council for Archives and Archivists (SCAA) celebrates the first full week of February as Archives Week, an annual event showcasing the abundant heritage, culture and lives of the people of Saskatchewan through documentary records collected and preserved in archives. SCAA events are listed here.
Grant Opportunity for Small Canadian Libraries
The Kimberley Foundation has announced a new initiative in honor of the late Pat Morris to provide grants to small Canadian libraries for the purposes of acquisitions, programming or outreach. Eligible libraries must serve a community with a population of 10,000 or less and applicants must be considered qualified donees. The deadline for applications is February 15.
Full details can be found on their website.

Statistics Canada Workshop Program
Statistics Canada is offering introductory professional workshops that may be of interest to you and/or your colleagues in the near future. Workshops in Saskatchewan include: Introduction to Basic Statistics: February 27, Saskatoon Survey Sampling and Questionnaire Design: February 25 and 26, Saskatoon
Click here for more information.
 Family Literacy Day: January 27, 2020
The Government of Saskatchewan has proclaimed Family Literacy Day and, for the first time, Family Literacy Week (January 26 to February 1) in Saskatchewan. Download the proclamations for Family Literacy Day and Family Literacy Week to use at your own event!
Since ABC Life Literacy Canada started Family Literacy Day in 1999, they have worked to raise awareness of the importance of reading and engaging in other literacy-related activities as a family. Every year, Family Literacy Day is celebrated in Saskatchewan. This is the first year for Family Literacy Week in Saskatchewan!
This year's theme for Family Literacy Day - "Take 20 in 2020" - encourages families to take 20 minutes each day to make learning together a part of their daily routine. Celebrations and events are planned all around the province. Check out the
February 3, 2020 | Communications Chair