Letter from the President Greetings everyone. I, for one, cannot believe that it is already December. It felt like the year would never end, and then at some points, the time flew by. I hope that you were able to find some joy throughout 2020. I am happy to say that SLA staff, the Board and committees continue to do wonderful work for you. I am excited to welcome a new board member: Megan Ashcroft. Megan comes to us from the University of Regina and we are very excited to have her on board. I am a little sad to see Marina leave the office staff, but I am excited for her to pursue her studies. This leads me to being excited again - we are welcoming Leslie Charlton to the SLA

Photo Credit: Andrew Marshall

office staff team.
In other news - I am looking forward to working with the team from the Manitoba Library Association to develop a joint virtual conference in 2021. Keep your eyes and ears open for news about that and for ways you can volunteer to help with the planning. It will be a different type of conference than we have had in the past, so there are new and creative opportunities for volunteering that comes with that. Read more

Premier Scott Moe announced his ministerial appointments for the new cabinet on November 9, 2020. The Honorable Dustin Duncan will now be the Minister of Education and the former Minister of Education, the Honourable Gordon Wyant will now be in the Minister of Justice and the Attorney General.
The Saskatchewan Library Association would like to thank Minister Gordon Wyant for his contribution to the Ministry of Education and the support he extended to the Association. We look forward to working with Minister Duncan in his new role.
Thank You
To both Will Woods and Marilyn Jenkins for their recent generous donations. Donations like these fund valuable educational opportunities and awards for SLA members.
Will Woods has made a major contribution to both The Maureen Woods Education Bursary and the Mary Donaldson Award of Merit. His sister Maureen contributed in so many ways to library service all over Saskatchewan and was the recipient of the Mary Donaldson Award of Merit shortly before her death in 2013.
Marilyn Jenkins, another former Provincial Librarian continues to support educational opportunities to SLA. Her recent donation will be applied to the Maureen Woods Education Bursary. Thank you both, so much.
To make a donation to SLA, please visit the SLA website.

The Education Institute (EI) offers a wide variety of webinars and online courses, hosted by experts across all sectors of the library & information profession. SLA members pay the member fee of $45. After each webinar, registrants will receive a recording of the session, which can be accessed for one year after the session date. View the Education Institute's Fall calendar here.
For more information, please visit the EI website.

 Conference 2021-Stay Tuned
Manitoba Library Association and Saskatchewan Library Association are partnering to host a joint conference in 2021. Planning is underway for a virtual conference the week of June 13. More information to follow.
 2020 Video Project
With so many challenges presented by COVD-19, SLA's video series was very welcome during Saskatchewan Library Week and Culture Days.
With more than 1600 views in total, the videos provided a basis for learning a new skill, enhancing your writing skills or just listening to a reading from a favorite author. The videos will remain on the SLA website for at least a year and can be viewed anytime.

Congratulations to all the winners in the Book Spine Poetry Contest!
The winning poems can be seen here

Freedom to Read Week February 21-27 2021
SLA is offering 10 grants of $200 to libraries who are successful in their applications. The application form can be found here.

 Plans for OBOP Programs are almost complete. SLA will create videos of four readings and four zoom readings for distribution to libraries. There will be four different videos, with a different chapter being featured in each one. Libraries will be able to build programs/discussions/book clubs around these videos. All of the proposed videos will be free of charge.
Posters will be sent to you at the beginning of January along with Freedom to Read posters. Web banners and facebook headers will also be available.
In the meantime, for more information about Blanket Toss Under Midnight Sun or Paul Seesequasis, please visit paulseesequasis.com or The Bukowski Agency
Be sure to have enough copies on hand. For more information about One Book, One Province please contact: [email protected]
 News from Library & Archives Canada
Library and Archives Canada (LAC) is pleased to announce that its fourth application cycle for library subscription funding has begun. As part of LAC's agreement with OCLC (signed in March 2017), LAC will cover the interlibrary loan and/or copy cataloguing subscription fees for small public libraries and small libraries at postsecondary institutions (community colleges, CEGEPs and universities) that meet the eligibility criteria. More information is contained here.
 Open Government INVITATION: Consultations for the creation of Canada's 5th National Action Plan on Open Government The Open Government team at the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat has the mandate to make government more accessible to everyone. This means giving greater access to government data to the Canadian public. Open Government also helps people connect with the governments who serve them, and helps make policies and services more people-centered.
Please see the poster for more information

The Partnership address has changed
Please note the new address: BCLA PO BOX 19008 Rocky Point PO Port Moody, BC Canada V3H 0J1

SPL releases information about the new library Wallace Stegner House seeks support.
Willow Awards  Announcing the Winners of the 2020 Willow Launch! Congratulations to all the librarians and schools that took the time to plan and launch and enter the contest. Thank you to all for the work that you do in promoting reading and the Willows! Thank you for letting others know what you do!
To see the complete list, click here.

Newsletters from other cultural organizations
Check out the latest newsletters from the following organizations: Saskatchewan Violence Prevention Week Heritage Saskatchewan Museums Association of Saskatchewan SaskBooks SaskCulture Wapiti Regional Library Libraries Transform

Saskatchewan Library Association 10-2010 7th Ave. Regina, SK S4R 1C2 Phone: 306-780-9413 or 306-780-9409 Fax: 306-780-3633 Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Web: saskla.ca SLA reserves the right to change or edit any submission or to refuse publication in its entirety.
The deadline for receipt of submissions for SLAte is the 25th of each month.

Everyone, Including Culture, Wins When You Buy Lottery Tickets
The core funding that SLA receives through SaskCulture is part of the Lottery Trust where a percentage of every lottery ticket sold goes to support sport, culture and recreation groups within Saskatchewan. It appears that recent lottery sales are not meeting expectations, which will not have an immediate effect on SLA. However we encourage you to remind audiences and arts council members that buying lottery tickets benefits the entire community. Saskatchewan Lotteries has also launched an app that you can download in the App Store or Google Play. More information is available on the Saskatchewan Lotteries website.

The Saskatchewan Library Association gratefully acknowledges the support of our funding agencies. 
Saskatchewan Library Association © 2014. All Rights Reserved.