TESL Canada: PBLA Research Study

Short survey for LINC instructors regarding PBLA.

Call for LINC Instructors

If you are currently teaching or have recently taught a Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) Literacy class, I would like to invite you to participate in a portfolio-based language assessment (PBLA) research project. The main objectives of this study are to explore LINC Literacy instructors’ perceptions of the purpose of PBLA and the assessment processes involved in PBLA.
If you consent to participate, you will be asked to complete an online survey that will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. The survey questions will ask about your education and teaching experience, and your perceptions of PBLA. It is my hope that the study results will lead to recommendations for improving PBLA processes and outcomes.
For your records, I have attached a detailed information letter and consent form. The same information appears at the beginning of the survey.
If you are interested in participating in this study, please click the following link:
Thank you for your consideration!
Marilyn Abbott, PhD
Associate Professor
Teaching English as a Second Language Program
Department of Educational Psychology
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta
T: 780-492-9090
June 21, 2020 | Communications Chair

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