Want more TESL Sask news? Log into the member's only area!

TESL Saskatchewan membership includes more news available only to our members! For details on how to access it, check inside!

TESL Saskatchewan brings you news from across the province on awards and scholarships, grants, funding opportunities, freebies, and more. Most news postings are available only for our members. 

How to access your TESL Sask news:

1. Log into the teslsask.com website by clicking the yellow button in the top right corner marked "sign-in / register".

2. In the members' area, scroll down your dashboard to see the latest news posts.

3. You can also see news posts by clicking "Media" in the left column in the member's area. 

News is posted and/or updated each weekend starting from 09:00; be sure to check back weekly! 

We're also on Facebook and Twitter; be sure to connect with us, or like and subscribe to gain daily details. 

Many thanks, 

The TESL Saskatchewan Communications Committee

September 21, 2019 | Communications Chair

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