The Jake Kutarna Memorial PD credit is a $100 TESL Sask credit that can be used toward TESL Sask membership fees, TESL Sask PD events, or registration to the annual TESL Sask conference.
This year the nomination deadline is March 31, 2024. The successful candidate will be contacted in April.
Past Recipients of Jake Katurna PD Award:
- Rhonda Peterson (2019)
- Selinda England (2018)
- Connie Lewis, Regina (2016)
- Heather Woolard, Regina (2015)
- Ricardo Arisnabarreta-Montejo, U of R- ESL (2013)
- Debbie Griffith, Saskatoon (2013)
- Kara Loy, U of S Language Centre (2012)
- Doug Cassidy, Moose Jaw Multicultural Council and Oana Cosman, University of Regina (2011)
- Carol Moran, Moose Jaw Multicultural Council (2009)
- Laura Butt, Moose Jaw Multicultural Council and Cheryl Rosenkerr, Briercrest (2008)